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02 Jul 2024 03:41:26
To Montreal- Askarov

To Nashville- Primeau- Harris - Hage, 2025 2nd


1.) 02 Jul 2024 03:59:48
Sorry. I recant haha.



13 Nov 2023 03:38:56
To Edmonton
Jake Allen
Jordan Harris

To Montreal
Jack Campbell
Xavier Bourgeault
2nd in 24
3rd in 25


1.) 13 Nov 2023 15:42:45
too much coming back Montreals way.

2.) 13 Nov 2023 18:24:01
No need for Harris, so drop him and a pick and you have a deal!

3.) 14 Nov 2023 14:51:08
I tend to agree with EBS on this one.

Whatever move EDM makes they are dealing from a position of weakness. They’ll be forced into a painful deal to sacrifice some futures (prospects or picks) to undo some past errors. They have no choice to buy to address the current state or the team. Whatever they do it will be fascinating.

4.) 15 Nov 2023 04:44:27
Not enough to dump Campbell I’d imagine they’d need to attach Bouchard or 2 1sts to dump that contract.

5.) 15 Nov 2023 15:28:02
Armia instead of Harris? Plus the Oils recent 1st round French Canadian pick and a 2nd is a decent package! It’ll help Montreal get Celebrini!

6.) 15 Nov 2023 19:40:37
I’m sure you’re jumping to do that ebsoultly. I think it’d take Celebrini to get out of that contract.

7.) 16 Nov 2023 04:14:35
It’s brutal for sure but the buyout isn’t that bad. If Montreal can get a good package to take him, have him suck for a year, draft high then buy him out, it might not be the worst decision. Add a bad contract on there end to ease the pain. Oil might just have to buy him out there self, which I’d be okay with.

8.) 17 Nov 2023 00:28:36
If you buy him out you’ll be paying dead cap for what? 6-7 years? No teams gonna do that without massive compensation.

9.) 17 Nov 2023 12:01:25
6 years at a cap hit around 1.5 to 2M I believe. That’s why I think it would be a good idea to retain 50% on Campbell if there was an agreement to buy him out. Less cost to dump him and not a bad buyout cost. Nashville bought Duchene out with I think 3 years remaining and Minnesota did it with Parise and Suter recently.



15 May 2023 07:11:43
To Chicago
23 1st
23 1st from Florida.
24 1st
25 1st

To Montreal
2023 1st


1.) 15 May 2023 22:40:36
I don't care how much this would hamstring the Habs. nobody is worth that much.

2.) 16 May 2023 06:01:24
Bedard is.

3.) 17 May 2023 01:10:14
I do actually agree with ya Seabass. im just wishing Habs could finally have a star forward. but, yes my proposal was a little out there haha.

4.) 17 May 2023 12:31:28
MTL passes.



14 May 2023 05:25:55

To Toronto




31 Dec 2022 11:00:25
Habs Rangers.
Habs send.
Monohan 50% retained
Florida's 1st..

Rangers send


1.) 31 Dec 2022 13:03:25
seems a bit much for Lafreniere.

2.) 31 Dec 2022 16:15:04
You might be right.

3.) 31 Dec 2022 17:19:06
I don't know if it is a bit much, you are asking them to waste cap space on Monahan.

Laf isn't worth a lot, but I doubt they move him for that. They might as well just see how he does. Or, someone will bank on his potential and give them something they can use.

4.) 31 Dec 2022 17:44:45
I don't think the habs are going to move their florida pick, especially before the draft lottery

5.) 31 Dec 2022 19:25:28
Ya, I really didn't think it through to much . I have been stating all year not to move a lottery pick.
I also wouldn't mind if Habs can keep Monohan for a few more years

I still think Lafreniere cab be an impact player. He needs a fresh start.

6.) 01 Jan 2023 23:23:03
You don’t trade a 1st overall pick unless you’re getting a franchise corner stone piece back. Not that he’s worth that but rather it makes zero sense to trade a player of that pedigree for so little and potentially see him explode in a new organization. ( unless he asks for trade ) .

To summarize in a vacuum this could be fair from a value stand point but ranger decline.

Also I believe he is worth more in general he is on his ELC and is actually very useful as a 2 way player.

7.) 04 Jan 2023 02:21:12
OMG no…?

Lafreniere is not the kind of piece that attracts a 1st. He’s a reclamation project.

In the spirit of buying high and selling low, a rebuilding team like MTL should convert Monahan and others in assets like high picks and good prospects.

The only reason to consider Lafreniere is if he’s being offered in a sell-low fashion. He doesn’t look like a guy who is going to turn it around. Looks like the Rangers think so too.




Sosahabs24!'s banter posts with other poster's replies to Sosahabs24!'s banter posts


01 Jul 2024 22:07:27
Really happy with the Habs last few days of work, ( sad to see Kovacevic go but I get it.)

They didn't do anything stupid at ( so far) on a UFA , they signed Slafkovsky to what will look like an amazing deal by year 3 or sooner , and IMO, selected the best player in the draft ( at least a challenger to Celebrini)
I think this team is one year away from making a lot of noise in the East.




02 Jun 2024 05:18:24
I know the NHL has many awards, however, I think there is room for more? Why not celebrate the talent in the NHL. A few id like to see

The Gretzky award.. most Assists
The Orr.. most points by a Dman
The ( maybe) Langway?? Best Deffensive D man( they have a best defensive forward award)

I dont really care for the Norris , as I think they award points over Defense. If its an award for best overall Dman.. then sure.. but its usually for one who is most flashy.

The Western Conference Playoff MVP.. not sure who to name it after lol.. maybe the Gordie Howe??

The Eastern Conference.. After Patrick Roy??
Would also like to see an award to the guys who play tough.. great player , but can scrap, hit , play with an edge, but also play respectful.. think like a Bob Probert or John Feguson award.

Obviously probably other guys who could be named for awards.. and maybe we have to many . I dunno.. just a thought.


1.) 07 Jun 2024 03:41:21
I think the Marcel Dionne award is the obvious choice for western conference MVP. Absolutely elevated his game in playoffs.



19 Feb 2024 05:11:52
How do you all see Kirby Dach? I still beleive he has the potential to be the Canadiens best player. I'm probably wrong like usual, but what do you guys see? I wanna hear from some unbiased guys like myself.


1.) 19 Feb 2024 08:14:11
I mean. im biased to Montreal. So want an unbiased opinion.

2.) 21 Feb 2024 13:50:46
I think he has potential, but not their best player. I really think the habs will have depth and balance, but star players never really happen. Price was their star.

3.) 22 Feb 2024 01:53:01
True Turkey. but we are due! . Haha. I remember Richer had a couple 50 goal seasons and thought he was gonna be that Star. been really since Lafleur, that the Habs had a true offensive Superstar.



07 Feb 2024 02:51:08
The 4 Nations tournament that is happening next year or whenever, should be canceled or revamped? With Olympics back on, we don't need this tournament... or... make it better. With no Russia, no Czechia, Slovakia, no Draisitle.. this isn't a best on best.
To me, this 4 team thing is kinda lame.. thought was a goofy thing last time, but maybe make a young team and a Europe team again.?
No Pasternak and Draisitle( arguably top 5 players in game) not playing is not a best on best... let alone no Russians.( but that's a Putin thing)


1.) 08 Feb 2024 00:16:21
Bring Russia back then make team europe with each player having there nations flag on jersey then I’d be very into it.

2.) 09 Feb 2024 13:54:29
Agreed. If olympics are back anyway you can make this tournament different with team Europe and u23 team. Try out some different rules even.



25 Nov 2023 23:52:52
Making a top 10 since 1990.. this will take Gretzky out of it I believe. Best ever.... but 90s, he was a regular Superstar., not the Great One, but still awesome.. might make the list.

1. Mario Lemuiex
2. Connor McDavid
3. Sidney Crosby
4. Jaromir Jagr
5. Alex Ovechkin
6. Joe Sakic
7. Dominik Hasek
8. Wayne Gretzky
9. Nicklas Lidstrom
10. Peter Forsberg

Obviously lots of great players in these 33 year.. I dont have Roy,Kane, Thornton , Bouquet ect.. on this list.. im sure I'm missing someone.
What do some of you guys have? Who am I missing
This is just for fun, so .. have fun with it.


1.) 26 Nov 2023 00:53:24
I kept Gretzky in it haha.

2.) 27 Nov 2023 20:51:04
1. Gretzky
2. Lemieux
3. Crosby
4. McDavid
5. Jagar
6. Messier
7. Oveckin
8. Lindstrom
9. Sakic
10. Yzerman

( born in 2001 )

Honourable mentions- Lindros pre injury, Federov, Forsburg, Bourque, Pronger.

3.) 27 Nov 2023 23:24:27
I can't argue with that list VB.
Only comment ill make is. Gretzky, although the greatest, wasn't the same as he was in the 80s.
But good list!

4.) 28 Nov 2023 14:29:44
Gretzkys last game was 2 years before I was born. However looking at he’s seasons in LA to me his pedigree mixed with his performance makes him the greatest. I feel like in 1995 if you wanted one player for a cup run it’d be Gretzky and for me today crosby would be the guy I’d want.

5.) 28 Nov 2023 19:56:43
I was lucky enough to catch most of Gretzkys career, and in the 80s, there was nothing even comparable to what he did. Mario was closest to dominate the way he did. It was deffenitley a different era, but we will never see a player dominate like he did. I found after his Cup run in 93, he went from being the Great one, to a really good, but aging one! . that's why I don't give him number 1 spot from 90 to now. bit if this was All-time. its 99 all the way for me.

6.) 01 Dec 2023 08:33:43
In Gretzky's final 10 seasons he was over a point a game every year except for his last, including 4 seasons of atleast 122 points. numbers joe Sakic never saw once in his 20 year career.

7.) 04 Jan 2024 19:51:57
. don't nickel and dime the great one lol.




Sosahabs24!'s rumour replies


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13 Jul 2024 22:38:53
Is this guy, not even a top 10 pick, worth that?




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07 Jul 2024 17:21:28
I think the Flames will stick with Sharongovic. I beleive they also just re-signed him to a new long term deal.




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05 Jul 2024 12:18:44
I like the idea of this Chickenfoot.




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02 Jul 2024 03:59:48
Sorry. I recant haha.




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02 Jul 2024 03:42:52
I like it.





Sosahabs24!'s banter replies


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13 Jun 2024 19:58:48
Not even sure why I am responding to this. bur Pinball, maybe this is why you get so much negative backlash on this site. This is horrible. I might be bias, but this is one of the more rediculous trades I've seen from you.




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27 May 2024 17:03:16
Will be an interesting draft.




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25 May 2024 13:23:34
Maybe to NewJersey. for this year's 1st, Allen and Holtz? You could switch out Allen for Dawes for a younger goalie with some potential.




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25 May 2024 13:21:23
I'm really hoping that Demidov falls to 5, or that Habs can select Lindstrom. I am still not sold on Iggys kid yet.




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25 May 2024 13:19:50
I dont think so. That's all over and it's a new regime. It would be nice to add one of those guys, especially Jarvis. But don't think Gorton and Hughes will be doing any offer sheets.
