29 Jan 2024 16:57:11
Carolina Trades

Toronto Trades

Who says no in my proposal if at all ?

Thoughts ?

1.) 29 Jan 2024
29 Jan 2024 18:20:08
- Carolina says no.

- both teams need a Goalie, and still do after this trade.

- you’re not trading Samsonov without a sweetener. (Good for him in being recalled, but it’s still Samsonov. No team is lining up to take him. )

2.) 30 Jan 2024
30 Jan 2024 02:36:43
Samsonov in his career still has solid numbers, look it up if you don't believe me.
As for a sweetener taking Samsonov Toronto would be taking DeAngelo which is a headache all on it's own.
Once Woll gets back with MJones there including Hildeby in The AHL The Leafs don't have a goaltending problem, but Carolina sure does.

3.) 30 Jan 2024
30 Jan 2024 05:08:34
PINBALL: are we talking about the same Samsonov that is ranked:

- 82nd out of 91 ranked NHL goalies in save percentage?

- 69th of 91 goalies in Goals Against Average?

- He’s played 150 games in the league now, so hockey people know what he is, and what he isn’t. (That’s why he was sent to the AHL to work on his game and recently recalled. )

- everyone seems to agree the leafs need help on D and in net if they have realistic plans of being ready for the playoffs. I’m not breaking any news here, this is common knowledge wouldn’t you agree?

4.) 30 Jan 2024
30 Jan 2024 09:00:55
@chickenfoot nailed it

5.) 30 Jan 2024
30 Jan 2024 12:28:04
The positive with Samsonov though is he's a free agent come year end. What's Carolina's situation in net right now anyways? As for the trade I don't think it's a move either team makes tbh. Yes it addresses the backend for the Leafs, but if DeAngelo is the headache he has seemed to become and like you have pointed out is it worth adding him to the team for the back half of the season? I personally don't think so. Bunting is what he is, I'd rather see us finish out the year with our top 9 and see what happens come playoffs. I'd love for us to grab Pesce. He is the kind of player that would really bolster the defense; plays a good defensive game while still being mobile enough to make a play with the puck. If there's a deal to be made where we don't give up Lily to get him I'm all for it. But given Carolina's position in the standings I'm guessing they are more inclined to hold onto him for the season for a hopeful run in the playoffs and either get a deal done to retain him or let him go in the off-season.

Happy to see some trade ideas for defense though as that is the area the Leafs need to address.

6.) 30 Jan 2024
30 Jan 2024 14:11:39
GMs love players like Pesce. Right-handed dmen that eat lots of minutes and have stellar defensive play. Carolina doesn't get a whole lot for him alone, even with Liljegren who is still young but nowhere near his level of play. They also add Bunting, who's been playing better than Bertuzzi. All in all, Carolina doesn't gain anything of significant value in that trade, they downgrade everywhere except for taking a flyer on a goalie that hasn't shown he can be a starter and has had very flakey performances this years. The small amount of value DeAngelo has is bigger than Samsonov's value

Bunting > Bertuzzi
Pesce >> Liljegren
DeAngelo >= Samsonov

7.) 31 Jan 2024
31 Jan 2024 14:24:55
It won't happen, but at least you are a Leafs fan making a trade for more defense.

8.) 31 Jan 2024
31 Jan 2024 15:40:56
I’d actually love DeAngelo on the leafs. No comment on proposal tho.

9.) 31 Jan 2024
31 Jan 2024 17:36:08
I know we've disagreed in regards to DeAngelo on the Leafs before VB. If he can play how he has in the past and just stick to hockey I wouldn't be apposed either. Haven't seen many of his games so I am unsure where he is at performance wise or if he moves the needle at all. If he plays as he has in the past and is a cheap add then absolutely for it.